General Custer Essay

Laguna West Map * Evolving Theory * Map Reverse Side * Mad is the word *

This is one of 3 pages found with the “Punishment Map” believed to be written by the East Area Rapist



The bottom Left corner of the “Custer Essay” was originally thought to have an annotation which partly read “John A” “71”, leading to many theories regarding the writer and the date of the essay.
It was later proven that the marking was actually written on the reverse side of the paper and what was being seen was a reverse image that had bled through


The image viewed from the correct side was written on 12-9-78 by the Criminalist who collected the evidence.
L80, 408 (1) – This is the Lab number.
12-9-78 – This is the date the evidence was collected.
JRP – These are the initials of the Criminalist – now deceased.
Credit to a number of members of who provided this information and images.

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